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Lecture Series

Wissler-Kumar Lectureship in Pathology

The Wissler-Kumar lectureship has been endowed by Dr. Donald King, an eminent pathologist and former Dean of the Biological Sciences Division, in honor of two past chairmen of the pathology department at University of Chicago: Dr. Robert Wissler (Chairman Emeritus, 1957-1972) and Dr. Vinay Kumar (Chairman Emeritus, 2000-2016).

Each of them is a pioneering physician scientist. Dr. Wissler was among the very first to demonstrate the role of diet and in particular cholesterol in atherogenesis, both in animal models and humans. Dr. Kumar’s early studies in the genetic regulation of retroviral leukemias led to the discovery of natural killer cells by his lab.

Dr. Kumar still serves the department as the Alice Hogge and Arthur Baer Distinguished Service Professor of Pathology.

For questions, please contact Christine Roman.

Past Lectures